Student of AI for good. Advocate for better business. Champion for a regenerative built environment.

Welcome to my world.

Russ Avery portrait

Fighting for our future

When I was six, my mum took me to an audition to become the next Milkybar Kid. But I wasn’t strong and tough enough and I don’t suit hats, so my (Mum’s) dreams of Hollywood stardom faded into oblivion. Twenty years later, my path led me to discover a different but no less exciting adventure: using the power of business as a force for good.

I’ve always felt a deep bond with Mother Nature. Cheesy but true. And no surprise, perhaps, having been born on Scotland’s stunning west coast. My travels – from the national parks of Chile to the vast steppes of Russia – have only deepened this connection. I refuse to accept a world in which every corner of the planet bears the scars of human neglect.

Since 2010, my mission has been clear: do whatever I can to tackle the climate crisis and biodiversity collapse. A varied career has seen me work at companies including Deloitte, Carbon Intelligence, and EVORA Global to name a few. During my freelance years, I worked with consulting firms such as Ramboll, EnviroSustain, and Verco. I’m now co-founder and CEO of Avery & Brown, a B Corp certified marketing and creative agency. More on that below.

Humanity stands at a crossroads: an apocalyptic dystopia, or a thriving and equitable planet for all. Despite my eternal love for tech noir, I choose the latter. And merely being sustainable won’t cut it. We need global system change and a radical shift towards regeneration. I’m privileged to helm a business that is doing its best to lead the charge.

Thanks for joining me here. I hope my site kindles a spark, urging you towards purposeful action for our world. Together, we’ve got this.

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My three pillars

  • AI for good

    AI makes some people break into a cold sweat. And rightly so, perhaps. But it isn’t just hype – I think it’s a game-changer with immense potential for good if developed responsibly. I’m on a journey to explore this transformative tech and its ethical applications. Join me in learning about the possibilities of AI to benefit people and planet, while critically examining its risks.

  • Better business

    I’m convinced the future belongs to companies driving real positive change for society and the planet. While terms like ‘sustainable business’ and ‘regenerative business’ get thrown around (guilty!), I’ve found ‘better business’ to be the most straightforward and undeniable framing. Join me in exploring how the better business movement can pave the way for a more just and thriving world.

  • A regenerative built environment

    Buildings contribute to almost 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the built environment has a significant detrimental impact on nature and biodiversity. This means the scope for positive change within the sector is vast. Join me as I explore the exciting and essential transition to a regenerative built environment.

Avery and Brown

Walking the walk with Avery & Brown

When Tim and I founded Avery & Brown, our mission was clear: to offer outstanding brand, marketing, and creative services to purpose-driven businesses. As our client list expanded, it wasn’t long before we honed in on the built environment sector – a space where we knew our expertise could catalyse transformative change.

We’re not just behind-the-scenes players; we’re highly active members of the better business community. Whether attending and speaking at events, being interviewed on podcasts, contributing to industry journals, or facilitating workshops, our voices are part of the larger conversation driving change.

Avery & Brown is proud to be a Certified B Corporation with a score of 107.6. See the full breakdown of our score here.

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